And here is the sunrise view from my home:
The view on my way to work in the morning:
Last but not least, the morning view from my office:
I have totally been on a knitting hiatus. I found a nice knitting group here that meets at Starbucks just a couple miles away. The ladies are nice, but my schedule has been sort of exhausting and it has been hard to actually go to the meet-ups. I have Christmas knitting ideas, but patterns are stressing me out right now. I never learned to do cable (sad, right?), and dropping stitches on purpose scare me. Maybe I should just get my ass in gear. I haven't been to a single yarn shop since I moved here. I've been so good. I haven't even been to a craft store. (!!!!)
Back in July I got my nose pierced. I'm in love with it. I've been told before that "A nose ring just wouldn't look right on you. It's not you." Well, fuck you. I like it. :)

I've been reading quite a bit. Recently I bought Three Cups of Tea and You Suck.
Last night I saw a commercial (yes, I got TV for a couple months) encouraging people to support the SPCA. I'm not one to usually cry at the television, but the commercial tore my heart up. I can't find the commercial online anywhere to show you though. I'm thinking of adopting a cat sooner than later. I'm not sure how Jasper will like it since he's so darn spoiled.

All of my NY knitting gals went to Rhinebeck last weekend. I'm so sad I wasn't able to go. I just couldn't afford the flight and the time off without pay. Next year, I am DEFINITELY going. I'll be buying my flight in the spring to make sure I actually DO go.
Things are looking up here in WA. I miss my friends at home, of course, but I'm doing okay. Thank you for all of your support!