Thursday, September 08, 2005

All but pleasurable....

I've finally found my CD to study to. It's Sarah McLchlan's "Acoustic Pleasures". It's so soothing.... I guess this is kind of ironic because what I'm studying is all BUT pleasurable. It's stressful. What if I mess something up on clinical with a patient? I can only read so many times on how to give an enema, but get this- my professor told us a true story on how someone inserted the enema into the wrong part of the body and it killed the woman. How horrible is this? How could someone let this happen?! Another classmate that started last year with me said that for her FIRST patient ever on clinical, she was giving her a bed bath then a few minutes later the family was called in because the patient died. That's what scares me... What if my patient dies on me??? Lack of pleasurable things may be why nurses can make so much money.


Erin said...

That was a weird anonymous comment huh? Anyway, you will be just fine. Don't spend your time worry about things that are out of your control. That's a waste of energy! You know you'll be just fine.

We have to get together soon to knit. I miss it so much!

Liz said...

Yeah, dude... nursing is not easy. No way I'd be up for that.

But your post has left me with this one question: Where the heck could you insert an enema that could kill someone? The wondering is going to eat my brain.

Anonymous said...

By the end of the semester, giving an enema will be easy for you. Always portray confidence to your patients (even if you're scared shitless)!
