Friday, October 19, 2007

On knitting and being alive and such....

I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RHINEBECK IS TOMORROW!!!! Is anyone else going???

I've signed up for Ravelry. I am #33256 on the list.... only 1898 people ahead of me before I am accepted to the site. How awesome is this?

So yeah. I am making a point to never "back blog" again. I think that is where my anxiety with blogging is happening. I get so far behind, then I don't want to catch up because there would be so much to do. As a quickie, here is a list of stuff I have done since my last blog:

June 22-24 Went to visit Erin in Toronto. We went to the Toronto Zoo, Romni Wools, Lettuce Knit, and had some sushi.
Me and Asha <3

June 28 - July 3 Liz and John came up from Hollywood Florida for a little week long visit. We went to the Dinosaur BBQ for dinner one night with her mom and Bill.
Liz and I live for these!
We also went to Ichiban for sushi!!
Crystal Bubble
John and Liz:
Liz and Johnny

July 4 We had a little shindig at Mark's house. I made awesome sandwiches. They were definitely not for vegetarians.
They are always really yummy

July 7 Renaissance Festival in Sterling, NY.

July 20-22 Back to Toronto to see Erin again. Brought her mom up this time. Got to play with the Rhinos too.
Barb, Moose, Me
Me and Vishnu <3

July 27-29 Camping at Cayuga Lake State Park in Seneca Falls, NY, with Erin, Lisa, and Mark.

August 3-5 Erin and I went to the Belleayre Music Festival in the Catskill Mountains of NY. We stayed at Woodland Valley State Park. Artists featured at the show are some of the Hotel Cafe Artists. Some of the ones that we saw include: Ingrid Michaelson, Priscilla Ahn, Cary Brothers, Rocco Deluca & The Burden, Rachael Yamagata, Meiko, Jay Nash, Buddy, Kate Havnevik, Tom Mcrae, Jim Bianco, and Greg Laswell. I think I got them all. If not, my apologies.
Hotel Cafe Artists
It was a pretty awesome trip with Erin.
Atop Belleayre Mountain

August 20-22 I went to Jennings, Louisiana to visit with my friend Scott. We mostly just relaxed. I also got to hold a baby gator!
Scott and me
Me and Jolie

September 14 I had a party. Whoot! Whoot! This is a picture of Lisa, Chris, Dave and me.
Happy Drunks

September 28-30 I camped at Wellesley Island State Park with Mark and Lisa.
228_2860 copy

That brings me up to October at least. I haven't uploaded anything from October to Flickr yet. For more pictures, just check out my Flickr site. :)

On an off note... today is my brother Ben's birthday. He is 28. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!! (He doesn't read my blog though.)

Off to Wegmans. I really feel bad for those of you who don't know what Wegmans is.


Anonymous said...

hey! you haven't been updating... =(

jillie said...

A friend of mine tried to google my name to get to my blog spot and got yours! My name is EXACTLY the same as yours!!!!! HOW strange is THAT!!!! And...Bean is also one of my nicknames!