Thursday, March 09, 2006

That's it.

Mr.Bean and I ended our relationship today. We were together for 4 years a 5 months. That's really all I have to say about it for now.


Anonymous said...

heres a cyber hug from someone you don't even know.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Here's another hug from a complete stranger.

Kelly Kester said...

I know this might not help much... but I'm so sorry. Hug from me as well.

Erin said...

Hey hun, you know I'm always here. Call me if you need to!

Craig T. Adams said...

As yet another stranger, I send good and supportive thoughts that this change will make you stronger, happier and freer to be the you that you want to be. Since Liz thinks so highly of you, you must be pretty darned wonderful. Take care and be well.